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IFRS17의 이해_Group Contents

과정 이미지
IFRS17의 이해_Group Contents 과정정보
수강기간 999일
강의구성 12차시
수강료 무료


차시 강의명
1차시 01 - Insurance IFRS 9 - Intro to IFRS 9 financial instruments
2차시 02 - Insurance IFRS 9 - Classification and measurement under IFRS 9
3차시 03 - Insurance IFRS 9 - Impairment under IFRS 9
4차시 04 - Insurance IFRS 9 - IFRS 9 in practice cases
5차시 05 - Insurance IFRS 9 - Introduction to hedge accounting under IFRS
6차시 06 - Introduction to IFRS 17
7차시 07 - IFRS 17 Measurement models - non-participating contracts
8차시 08 - IFRS 17 Measurement models - participating contracts
9차시 09 - IFRS 17 Presentation and disclosure
10차시 10 - IFRS 17 Level of aggregation and transition
11차시 11 - IFRS 17 In practice - cases
12차시 12 - IFRS 17 vs Solvency II